Internal Controls & Compliance Management

Internal Controls & Compliance Management solution, a comprehensive tool designed to enhance your organization’s control framework and compliance efforts. This product empowers you to efficiently manage internal controls, track compliance, and ensure adherence to regulatory standards. Elevate your control environment and mitigate risks effectively with these key features:

Key features


  • Controls Classification
  • Control Objective Groups
  • Control Registers
  • Control Self-assessments
  • Control Audits
  • Compliance Reporting
  • Controls Dashboards
  • Policy & Procedure Documentation
  • Regulations, Standards, Frameworks
  • Incident & Breach Reporting
  • Corrective Action Implementation
  • Vendor & Third-party Compliance
  • Continuous Monitoring & Alerts
  • Control Deficiency Management
  • Compliance Benchmarking
  • Compliance Dashboards
  • Recordkeeping Protocols
  • Regulatory Update Monitoring

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Inspections Management

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Electronic Document Management

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